5 Early Warning Signs of Anal Cancer

The rectum is the last part of the large intestine (also known as the colon) and ends at the anus. The anus is a few inches long, so you’re ready to go to the bathroom. Although it’s part of and connected to the large intestine, the rectum has its own characteristics.

Colorectal cancer is cancer that occurs anywhere in the large intestine, including the rectum. However, you can only get cancer in the rectum, which is called rectal cancer.

Treatment for rectal cancer is more complex than treatment for colon cancer because the space is narrowing, as are other nearby organs. Therefore, prevention and early detection are more important.

Our expert team of colon and rectal surgeons at Great Hartford recommends that you get early signs of rectal cancer evaluated and treated as soon as possible. They screen for, diagnose, and treat rectal cancer at clinics in Bloomfield, South Windows, and Plainville, Connecticut.

First, we must define anal cancer as a cancerous growth or tumor in the anus that affects only the anus. The incidence of this cancer has increased significantly in recent years, and through this article we will show you early treatment so that we can avoid this cancer.

We have compiled a list of early signs of rectal cancer so that you are aware of the changes that require evaluation. It is also recommended to perform colonoscopy regularly to facilitate early detection.

Change in the density or shape of the stool
Normal stool should have a soft consistency similar to sausage. When rectal cancer or other rectal disorders develop, it can cause abnormal secretions, such as:

Good stool
Sometimes diarrhea and constipation can be caused by food allergies, but chronic diarrhea and constipation should not be ignored. Wish lists can be a symptom of a rectal tumor or inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease.

Blood and stool may appear in the stool
Blood in the stool can be a sign of rectal cancer, colon cancer, or other serious colon conditions. Contact your rectum immediately.

Mucus in the stool indicates irritation of the rectal tissue. Inflammation can be due to infection, inflammation, cancer, or other conditions.
Your pelvis hurts

Colon cancer often has no symptoms. However, pain in the pelvic area may be a sign of rectal cancer.

Women who continue to have pelvic pain due to pain associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). However, if the pain persists after menstruation, it may be a sign of rectal cancer.

Anal cancer symptoms

  • Constant itching in the anus
  • Constant pain in the anus, especially when sitting
  • Discharge from the anus
  • Blood coming out of the anus
  • The presence of a tumor in the anus
  • We find that these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of anal fissures and hemorrhoids, and this cancer affects those over the age of sixty, and if these symptoms are present, the patient should be shown to the doctor immediately and the necessary x-rays should be performed.
  • How can anal cancer be prevented?

Some people want to know if it is possible to prevent anal cancer, and in fact there is no guaranteed way to prevent anal cancer, but the risk of infection can be reduced by the following:

  • Quitting smoking, and avoiding passive smoking as much as possible.
  • Practicing safe se-x, by limiting the number of sexual partners, avoiding anal se-x, using a condom during se-x, and conducting periodic examinations for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Taking the human papillomavirus vaccine. The vaccine is given in three doses to individuals between the ages of 8 and 26.

Treatment of anal cancer?
Anal cancer treatment varies from one person to another, as there are many factors on which anal cancer treatment depends, such as the individual’s age and general health, the degree of cancer, the size of the tumor, or the extent of the cancer spread. Anal cancer can be treated through the following:

Chemotherapy uses drugs that kill cancer cells or prevent them from dividing.

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays that destroy cancer cells, and radiation therapy may cause side effects such as ulcers around the anus.

Immunotherapy uses drugs that help strengthen the immune system and stimulate it to attack cancer cells.

Surgery for anal cancer depends on the size of the tumor and the extent of its spread. The tumor and part of the surrounding tissue can be removed without damaging the sphincter muscle, and the individual remains able to move his bowels.

In advanced cases, the anal canal, rectum, and part of the colon may be removed, so the individual will not be able to defecate. Doctors create a colostomy, a surgical procedure in which part of the colon is connected to the abdominal wall, and an opening called a stoma, through which stool exits into a colostomy bag.

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